May 17th 2024 7:30 PM Sask. Local time
We're constantly working on improving and incorporating user feedback. Here are the highlights of this maintenance release:
- Fixed wording for horse colours
- Notification routing fixes
- Fixed missing Ref # on TOC for HTR only
- Read only calls improved for system performance
- Cache manager improved for system performance
- Various dashboard performance improvements
- Changed user delegation for Individuals to be email based
- Changed "Remember me" wording to "Keep me logged in" and added tooltip
- Added ability for users to save their signature and reduced signature height
- Change Public tenant name to Individual
- Removed unnecessary role permission from org admins
- Added checkbox indicator when selecting claim types (ccia/juris) during setup
- Movements can now be edited if submitted and no other change has been made in certain scenarios - Manifest and dispatch
- Movements can now be sent back to shipper if transporter decides to
- Added skeleton loading to Livestock and Transporter dashboard
- Added Movement ID to My Movements, Movement Overview and HTR screens
- Initial onboarding setup now include a step to setup conveyance information - optional
- Transporter select on manifest is adjusted to be more clear
- Added signatures to manifest
- Added signatures to TOC